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 Takashi INUI was born on 23.11.1956 in Fukushima,Japan.

He was passionately interested in painting from his earliest years and began teaching himself to paint in oils at the age of 12 ; by 13 he wanted to become a painter. At 15, after his parents had refused to allow him to go to study painting in Tokyo, he embarked on the last part of his secondary education but   also entered a painting competition organized by the prefecture and serected his picture.   Three months later, he realized thathe deeply wanted to study painting and dropped out of school to go toTokyo where he decided to earn his own living as well as to study painting. With his first pay packet he bought a violin and began to teach himself to play.

At 16 he was already endeavouring to assert his identity as a painter ; he continuously entered work for professional painting competitions and he attended an institute of painting where he acquired the basics of the craft of painting from Prof.Kadegawa. He was also reading a great deal and by 17 was already drawn by the subject of death in its constant relation to life and with which it is often indissolubly linked. He began to read the works of philosophers: Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Jaspers, Descartes, Spinoza, Kant, Freud, Husserl, Schestov.... In 1975, when he was 19, Takashi INUI discovered the work of Martin HEIDEGGER which he found to be of such significance that he resolved to read it in German. He stopped painting and a few months later , in September 1976, he set off for Germany to read Heidegger : Sein und Zeit : had a momentous impact upon him. Two years later, profoundly unsettled, he returned home to Japan and took up residence in Kyoto ; for the next three years he immersed himself in Buddhist philosophy while continuing to study the violin with Prof. Hirata. He could not rediscover any reason to paint. Since he was interested in reflecting on the associations between Buddhist philosophy, German philosophy and in particular the thinking of Heidegger, he set out once more for Germany in March 1982.

Events then began to move quickly and he entered a richly creative period. In June 1982 after a six-year lull and at the insistence of the painter with whom he was staying in Heidelberg,    Takashi INUI began to paint once more. His work was different now and was marked through and through with his own philosophy.    

In July 1982 he met the woman who was to become his wife, a Greek lawyer. In September 1982 he comes to live with her in Brussels.

 In July 1985 a son was born who became violinist. <--linksViolinist Noé INUI.

Since 1982 he has continued to paint, mostly executing works of considerable dimensions (2mx2m) in which all the major influences of his previous years are apparent.

Exhibitions held in Brussels, in other cities of Europe und New York.  

He is fluent in English, French, German, Spanish, Greek , and Japanese.


Takashi INUI,1988 - Photo.Jean Dominique Burton


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